This is the first in a series of tips to help with controlling the challenges of staying dry and in control of the Pee-Pee Monster!
“I gotta go! I gotta go! I gotta go!”
“I knew where the public restrooms were when the kids were little, now I am finding them for me. Go Figure!”
“I thought I could make it home; but I didn’t!”
“Get out of my way!”
“I couldn’t get the key in the door or unbutton my pants fast enough!”
Do any of these statements sound like you? Well, you are not alone.
This is the first in a series of tips to help with controlling the challenges of staying dry and in control of the Pee-Pee Monster!
This Pee-Pee Monster is more appropriately called Urge Incontinence or Overactive Bladder (OAB). It’s caused by an involuntary contraction of bladder muscles triggering a sudden and strong urge to urinate followed by leaking urine before getting to the bathroom.
There are several options for treating Urge Incontinence including:
- lifestyle changes
- bladder training
- physical therapy
- devices placed in the vagina
- medication
- bulking injections
- surgery.
To begin, focus on lifestyle changes, specifically recognizing and reducing bladder stimulants, which may in turn assist with weight loss and eliminating constipation.
Keep a written diary of when you consume the following foods. Also, keep a diary of the times you have urinary accidents.
That will help you determine if there is a relationship between the two. If you find that a certain food or drink triggers your bladder issues, then reduce or eliminate it from your diet.
Foods & Drinks that Overstimulate the Bladder:
Caffeine Drinks
Citrus Juices and Fruits
Carbonated Drinks
Spicy Foods
Sweeteners: Artificial and Regular Sugar
Bananas, Grapes, Apples
Aged Cheese and Sour Cream
Processed Foods
Keep the diary for several weeks. One by one eliminate the foods that seem to be causing the problem and note the change in your diary. If this doesn’t resolve the Urge Incontinence or OAB, make an appointment to discuss other options with your doctor.