A number of different birth control methods are available. Your medical provider will examine you and recommend those that meet your needs.
None of the birth control methods listed below protect against HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) or STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). For more information on HIV and STDs »
An intrauterine device is placed in the uterus through the vagina. There are several different options.
The diaphragm is a flexible dome-shaped cup that fits over the opening of the cervix. Used during sexual intercourse, it can prevent pregnancy. Your medical provider will measure your vagina to find the correct size and fit for you.
Mirena is a hormone-releasing IUD system placed in your uterus to prevent pregnancy for as long as you want for up to 5 years. Mirena also treats heavy periods in women who choose intrauterine contraception. Read more »
Paragard® is a copper-releasing device that is placed in your uterus to prevent pregnancy for up to 10 years. Read more »
A small flexible and soft drug-releasing birth control implant, it is placed under the skin on the inside of your upper arm hidden from view. Read more »
A small flexible vaginal ring. You place it in the vagina for three weeks and then replace it with a new one a week later. Read more »
Depo Provera
An intramuscular injection is given every three months.
Oral Contraceptives
Everyday pill taken by mouth. There are many different options.